Hello Everyone!
I’m Tareq from Knight Squad.
Recently we played RCTS CERT CTF 2021. Here I’m going to give you a quick writeup for the challenge named “Welcome to the Challenge“. let’s dig into it.
In this challenge we were provided with a jpg file. I ran strings on this file but got nothing. After that I thought there might me something inside this image. I ran foremost to extract hidden from the image & it worked. To install foremost just type the following command.
Command : sudo apt install foremost
Type foremost -h to see the options you can use in foremost. Ok, Let’s get back into the challenge.
A png file was hidden on that file. I just opened it with image viewer & got the flag.
Command : foremost <file_name>

That’s it. Hope you guys enjoyed. Don’t forget to share your feedbacks in the comment section below and stay tuned with us for more interesting challenge walkthroughs.