If you use Arch Linux or Arch based Linux distributions, you may know about AUR Helper. Today we will install Yay AUR Helper on our Arch Linux. You can follow the same steps to install it in other Arch based distributions like Manjaro, Black Arch etc.
To install Yay, we first need to install Git. If you do not have Git installed, run the following command and install it.
sudo pacman -Sy git --noconfirm
As we have installed Git, we will run the following command and clone Yay Repository
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-git.git
After cloning the Yay repository, we will navigate to the yay directory by running the following command
cd yay-git
Now, we will build and install the package by using the makepkg command
makepkg -si
Now it’s done. We have successfully installed yay in our Arch Linux.
To confirm the installation, you can synchronize repository and upgrade all the packages by running the following command
sudo yay -Syu
It was easy to install Yay right ? However, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know in the comments section.